Elix Healing

Another brand spotlight with the transformative Elix Healing! 

What is Elix?

Elix is an apoptogenic herbal tonic used to support menstrual cycles. Elix has additional formulas that aid in stress management, digestion, energy, and sleep. Elix bases their herbal formulas on Traditional Chinese Medicine while allowing for personalized formulas for their consumers. 

Elix’s Founder Lulu grew up surrounded by Chinese medicine. But it wasn’t until she was transitioning off birth control when she found Elix. During her transition she struggled and was given two options to control her symptoms, pain medications or go back on birth control. Her story like many of ours, is to cover up the symptoms and hope they get better. She was able to change this story for many of us by developing Elix which treats the root cause naturally.

How are their formulas made?

Elix utilized a slow-extraction process to allow for concentrated nutrients. The herbs are in a liquid form allowing for easy absorption. Their formulas are independently third-party tested for heavy metals, purity, and potency. Their herbs are organically and ethically grown. The herbs utilize are grown specifically for medicinal purposes, with their potency being 5-10x more than other individual herbs.

How does it work?

When starting Elix Cycle Balance, you will take a detailed quiz to personalize your formula. Once your quiz is complete you will be able to order your personalized formula. You will then get informative emails on dosage, benefits, what to expect and more. 

Elix also offers a Community Chat where you can learn more about Elix and ask any questions you may have. After your first 3 months, once you get your next order you will be able to meet with one of their Health Coaches for a 30-minute personal session. This session will allow you to ask any additional questions, get lifestyle advice and more.

Elix also offers other products for any additional needs:

Daily Harmony: Enhances your stress response, supports sleep, aids in digestion, improves focus, balances mood and more!

Get Well: An anti-inflammatory blend for strengthened immune response to illness, allowing for a smooth recovery. 

Stay Well: An anti-inflammatory blend for everyday immune strength. 

Ginger Aide: Concentrated form of ginger to support a range of ailments. 

Zoey’s Digestif: Digestion support to combat bloating, indigestion, nausea, and diarrhea.

What are the benefits?

Elix’s Cycle Balance has shown a reduction in cycle symptoms like:
Heavy Bleeding

Irregular cycles and more!

Overtime you will notice more and more benefits while taking Cycle Balance. 

Who can take Elix?

Anyone! (almost) It is not recommended to take if you are on blood thinners, diuretics or are pregnant or breast feeding. It is also recommended in despite of these to consult your doctor before taking Elix. 

You may review Elix’s Clinical Trial Here and Here

Are you ready to heal your Hormones? Want to stop feeling PMS symptoms? Dealing with chronic conditions like PCOS, PMDD or Endometriosis?

Get your personalized formula Here

Use code THEWHOLESOMEWOMAN20 for 20% off your order

You may also purchase through my Linkdolly Here

This Blog Post is not sponsored by Elix Healing. I wrote this Blog Post of my own volition. 


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