My Health Journey (Part One)

Well, where to begin? I’ve struggled with hair loss, skin conditions, weight gain, inability to lose weight and more the last 4 years. For me, it was extremely concerning and had affected my mental health in a negative way. Once I started losing my hair and gaining weight, I knew something was seriously wrong. I went to the doctor, and they did your basic labs (CBC, CMP, Vit D etc.), but they were all “normal”.  And that was it. “Your labs are normal you don’t need to repeat them for another year.” That’s what I kept hearing this is normal, that is normal.

Over the past few years, I’ve seen 4 different doctors at the Veterans Affairs Healthcare Center, as that is where I have my insurance. I had 4 years of trying to stand up for my health fallen on deaf ears. 4 years of the same tests and them all coming back “normal”.  4 years of medication after medication and none helped. The Doctors I saw did not care to find the root cause of my issues. They did not care to know how it was affecting me. I lost half of my hair while I continually lose hair and am keeping the new growth. I continued to have old and new skin conditions popping up, severe cystic acne, and fast weight gain. I was met at every visit to lose weight, questions about my diet and exercise even though I was doing it all right. Because my weight was higher, I was looked down upon and blamed for the issues I was having.

After the first year of no luck with my doctors I started to look deeper into my lifestyle and nutrition. Through a lot of trial and error I found some relief, but it was short lived. This all continued to happen after switching to Non-Toxic products and changing my hair routine. Which means there was a deeper problem. This journey also prompted me to change my major to Integrative Health. After years working in western medicine, I knew that it was not the whole picture or the only answer. In my work I saw countless patients that were on a significant number of medications, did not know how to properly care for their conditions, could not get into their doctors and more injustice in our healthcare system. As much as I wanted to help myself, I wanted to help others as well. I know how it feels to be gas lighted by your doctors. To be made to feel you are crazy, unimportant, lazy, and even fat.

During this journey, I started Nutrafol. Nutrafol is a dermatologist-recommended supplements brand using natural ingredients to target the root cause of hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, stress and more. They offer a hair quiz to help you find the correct protocol for your situation then it matches you with the products that fit. After 6 months of use Nutrafol offers a Free Hair Minerals Analysis Test if you are not seeing improvements. You review the results with a practitioner who gives you recommendations then you can repeat the test in another 6 months. (I will state not all their products are Non-Toxic.)

I recently had completed that test due to still experiencing hair loss. With these results I had finally found the cause of my hair loss, nutrient deficiencies, stress, and inflammation. Now, with the root cause being defined I was given steps to take to aid in the improvement of my hair loss. 

I also, partnered with Parsley Health to get to the root cause of my problems. Right off the bat, my first appointment was thorough, discussing my medical health across the span of my life. The practitioner listened to me, made some suggestions, and helped put the pieces together to figure out what I may be dealing with. They ordered a thorough panel of labs; some I’ve never even had before to find the root cause of my problems.

With Parsley, you also get a Health Coach. They are the ones who instructs you on any lifestyle or nutrition changes needed to support your journey. While the provider focuses on labs, diagnosis, medications, and other medical needs. My appointment with my Health Coach was just as thorough and focused on my current needs. For me, the initial visit mostly focused on gut health and nutrition. I especially liked that we focused on a few small changes. To create sustainable habits instead of forcing a meal plan, making a huge list of changes, or being overwhelmed with things I needed to improve. My Health Coach also focused on my relationship with food and did not push exercise or any diet culture issue.

Through this journey I’ve learned over and over that everything you see on the external body reflects what is going on internally. We cannot heal the external without looking at the internal. Today, there is a shortage of doctors and an influx of patients that need care. This is causing exhausted doctors looking for quick fixes, longer appointment wait times, inability to get an appointment in a reasonable amount of time, poor patient education and much more. 

I hope after you read this you do not feel alone. You feel understood and can relate. Even though our healthcare system is completely broken there are answers. There are people who care and there is treatment. There is a way out and a way to feel like yourself again.

This is not sponsored by Nutrafol or Parsley Health.

If you’d like to join Parsley Health, Sign up HERE for $150 off your first month.

This me sharing my story. It is not for diagnosing or treating any conditions. Always consult your doctor.


My Health Journey (Part Two)


What is Wellness?