My Birth Control Journey

As a teen, like many, we start to grow into our sexuality. And like many other women, the start of that was shamed. I remember my first kiss clear as day and not because it was memorable for ways most peoples are. It’s because I was on my street and a family friend drove by, told my mom and I got in trouble. That same boy weeks later, kissed me in school at lunch, unexpectedly. That weekend my mother was so furious at me and would not tell me why. She drove me to school in silence, while I was in the backseat so scared because I did not know what was going on. We got into my male assistant principals office, and I was blamed. I was almost suspended and the boy you ask, what happened to him? Each incident, nothing. Nothing happened to him. The school didn’t call his parents, he didn’t get in trouble. When I told him what happened the next school day, he had no idea I got in trouble and that was that. Shame, anger, and confusion. I’m sharing this because this fear continued with me through my teens and even into adulthood. This fear and shame drives young girls' sexuality. This fear can also push young girls to birth control that damages their health due to the fear of pregnancy.

I grew up in the 2000s where Teen Mom became popular. Almost every girl was on some sort of birth control, and children started having sex at 11 or 12 years old. I started birth control at 16 years old. It wasn’t because I had difficult periods. At the time they were regular. It was more of the fear of getting pregnant. Like many, I didn’t have the means to care for a child and I did not want a child. I asked my mom; we went to the doctor, and I got on the pill. There was no explaining what it was, the side effects, seeing If I had questions etc. I did not know then what I know now, and I wish they explained things better.

I originally started on the pill. At 18 years old I started getting the Depo shot. I was on the Depo shot for 3 years, 1 year longer than recommended. I knew that you couldn’t be on it long and that it can cause osteoporosis but that is it. That’s all I knew. After Depo I got back on the pill for another 4 years. I then wanted a non-hormonal option and got the Paraguard IUD (Copper IUD). As soon as I got the IUD, I started hearing horror stories and podcasts about how even though it is” non-hormonal” it still affects your hormones and your bodily functions. At that point the pros outweighed the cons for me, that is until I started having issues.

The first year I dealt with heavy and painful cycles but nothing I couldn’t manage. Then over time the issues became increasingly worse, migraines, heavy cycles, cramps, irritability, PMS, mood swings and severe anxiety. Everytime I brought up that that may be the cause I was told “no”. I was told the Paraguard does not affect your hormones, there are no side effects. But that is completely incorrect. NOTHING you take or put into your body has NO side effects. Yes, it affects everyone uniquely but NOTHING is completely without side effects.

Below are some informative Podcasts to listen to about Birth Control and the Paraguard (Copper) IUD.

Bailey Sarian: Dark History of Birth Control

Are you Menstrual?: All About the Copper IUD

Realfoodology: Copper. Overload + The effects of the Paraguard on the body with Samantha Gilbert

I had the Paraguard for about 2 and a half years. Above I mentioned heavy bleeding, painful cycles, irritability, anxiety, and migraines. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know how severe until I got it removed. I am now 3 months post removal and WOW. Immediately I had a significantly lighter cycle. Over time my irritability, and anxiety have almost completely diminished. I have had anxiety for years so it is not expected to go away completely. I am sleeping better, no migraines, and something that would cause immense stress now is easily handled.

Traditional Birth Control can carry these side effects:

  • Headaches

  • Nausea

  • Breast tenderness

  • Breakthrough bleeding

  • Mood changes

  • Weight gain

  • Acne

  • Eye changes

  • Abdominal pain

  • Bloating

  • Decreased libido

  • High blood pressure

  • Menstrual changes

  • Achy soreness in your leg

  • Amenorrhea

  • Appetite changes

  • Blood clots

  • Depression

  • Liver cancer

  • Other bleeding irregularities

  • Vaginal discharge

(This is not a complete list of side effects. Please discuss side effects with your Doctor)

This spans 11 years of my life, 11 years using synthetic hormones, 11 years of my body not regulating itself properly, my body getting confused. 11 years of irreversible damage that I don’t even know the extent of. This is my story, this is not to sway or scare you from birth control but to inform.

Currently I am utilizing the Oura Ring and Natural Cycles app. Natural Cycles is the only FDA approved form of birth control. It utilizes your regular body functions to determine when you are fertile like temperature, cervical mucus, and ovulation strips. I highly recommend using protection even with the utilization of these applications.

Natural Cycles: 20% Off

Oura Ring: $40 Off

Get Maude: Non-Toxic Sexual Wellness Products

Birth Control Studies and other Informative Pieces:

Oral Contraceptive Pills

Psychological Side Effects of Hormonal Contraception

IUD Side Effects: What You Should Know

Ultimate Guide to Coming off the Pill

Typical Use and Effectiveness of Natural Cycles

Natural Cycles Additional Research and Publications

You can find all of my Sexual Wellness recommendations on my LinkDolly HERE.

I am sharing my story. None of the information above is for diagnosing or treating and medical conditions. If you are having any of these symptoms or have any concerns about your past, current, or future birth control please contact your Doctor.


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